
Monday, January 13, 2014

Stumbling After Holiness

In the Race, 

described as the race for the Prize, oftimes I run, sometimes crawl, and often stumble. Along the way I am distracted by myriad temptations/distractions of this modern world. Modern though is just an excuse, for when I read books of the great men of past centuries, I find that they were just mere men and found the world a busy tempting place.

It may be a race for the Prize which is Christ's final upward call, but while I am here it is a race for Holiness. Not to be more holy than the next guy, as if he was my competitor, but to come as close to the bar set by Christ as possible. It woud be the Guiness World Record understatement to say that's a very high bar indeed.

Sidebar- I am afraid that every time I mention or write on holiness, and the word HOLINESS is heard and or viewed in regard to ones own attitude or behavior; it's as if I pulled a live rattlesnake from an old stained burlap sack and asked you to handle it.
"There now that's off my chest, I feel better."

Holiness is not measured by a necktie-charcoal-suit, bun in my hair, dress down to my ankles, and other severe and ancient grooming attributes, but by a heart set apart for Christ in God which on the way does result in the much more important attributes of love, mercy and justice.

The picture I would like to draw is of a man running for all he is worth and stumbling forward. 
Have you ever ran so fast you lost your feet under you and were afraid to put the brakes on lest you end in a disastrous and wounded heap?
That's the picture I have of my run. An arms flailing, amateurish, wobbling and floundering run, sweating the next hurdle and trusting Christ for all I am worth. 
I will not stop no matter what, and if I do happen to fall, I will not lay there and moan and grieve over my failure, I'll put a couple of Band-Aids on, add a stitch or two and a splint if need be, then I'll dust myself off and get back at it.

That's what I believe holiness to be.

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