
Monday, March 4, 2013


Guilt- a word that immediately conjures up in us our darkest deeds or at least our most embarrassing. Five little letters that have the power to force us to spill our darkest secrets at the merest sight, smell or lightbulb flash of memory. Five characters that have driven men(or women) to drink, divorce and worse. 

Guilt, it can't be weighed on the highest tech scale, yet it weighs more than the Titanic and is strapped seemingly irremovable to our backs by the strongest cables winched to our heart and anchored in our soul.

When we condemn ourselves for failure or actions, more often failing to act which is called regret, we have judged ourselves on a scale of human standard or the lower mean and letter of God's law versus the higher standard or the spirit and intent of His law.

We in grievous error weigh ourselves with our own inferior scales and not through the lens of God's attitude toward us.

John 8:11 Jesus(the Truest judge and judge of us all) tells the woman , the truly guilty woman deserving of death, "neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more."

Hebrews 10:10
...God's will was for us to be made holy by the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all time.

Who are we to argue, but oh we do don't we, before God?

     "But God I really am guilty!"

If we could stop our own thoughts long enough to hear God's, we could live truly guilt free lives, and isn't that the essence of personal freedom? We could have this freedom in the deepest dungeon or the meanest of circumstances.

Incomprehensible Love

To say 'God Loves,' is at once a huge statement of cosmic import, and a supreme oversimplification of how God feels and acts towards His beloved creation.

I man, can only partially comprehend and/or apprehend the truth that the god of creation loves us more than, and with qualities,we can only vaguely grasp.

The bit or crumb, of God's love, that we CAN grasp is so utterly marvelous that it takes senses in us we don't fully understand or appreciate, and so fail to enjoy and make full use of the fact (in reality more than a mere fact) of God's love.

To carry that sense of His love as more than fact or even simple feeling can and will carry us through the toughest of circumstance and compel us to carry that message to the uttermost parts of the earth, even if that happens to be right next door.

Just as to ‘believe’ in the Greek sense is more than ascension to His being, reality or truth. Actually meaning is knowing trust and confidence in.

So too, God’s love takes something more to grasp (more than blind ascension).
Reading this we sense the truth of it yet don’t know how we do it.