
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Divine Madness

Divinely Mad,
Madness Divine,

What kind of madness ever could be?
Even to think that God could be Mad.
Not ever angry, nor even real sad,
But Insane Divinity, not ever to blame.

Omnipotent Madness made us all very sane,
Insanity Divine formed us all pure and sinless.

All in our power, but one little tree,
That one little tree would cause us to be,
Broken and marred, ashamed and weighed down.
But Omnipotent Madness, would not let us drown.

Wallowed in mire, tragic indeed,
‘till the Madness of God,
Hung His Son on a tree.

Bleeding and dying, all the world did He see,
Forgive them! He cried,
as He suffered and died.

But, the story’s not over, there’s more yet to come,

Buried , entombed, and wrapped in fine linen,
Three days in the ground, all hope was not given.

Divine Madness kicked in,
                                Let’s raise Him again!!
So, in Power and Glory, Christ rose once again.
Some don’t believe, but five-hundred did see,
Disciples and friends, all followers indeed.

What will it take for the truth you to see?
Divinity died for you and for me.
Perhaps for a good man, some would dare die,
But ragged old sinners, cast offs and lame?

How hard to believe that God is still sane?

                                -Michael T 2011

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