
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Are You Winning The Game Of Life?

Look down deep in your soul and ask the question, am I winning the game of life?

Many of us live in defeat simply because we have not taken the Prize of Life from the nail scarred hands of Jesus. He tells us He will give us the Victors Crown of Life if we are faithful and endure James 1:12, Revelation 2:10.

On that cruel wooden cross on Calvary’s hill He has already won the Crown. He went to the “Place of the Skull” Matthew 27:33 and let Himself be brutally tortured, punished and ultimately allowed Himself to be murdered as a sacrifice for our sins. Three days later He rose triumphant from the grave Matthew 28:6 having conquered death, hell and the grave having won the Crown of Life by His faithfulness to the Father and His endurance over 33 years of his life here. He won the Crown, and His intention is that we would wear it living daily in this truth. If we would only wear the crown, we would be happy and at peace, this is winning the game of life.

Why do so many of us continue to live in defeat day after day?
When the truth of the matter is….
When you were stuck in your old sin-dead life, you were incapable of responding to God. God brought you alive—right along with Christ! Think of it! All sins forgiven, 14 the slate wiped clean, that old arrest warrant canceled and nailed to Christ's Cross. 15 He stripped all the spiritual tyrants in the universe of their sham authority at the Cross and marched them naked through the streets. Colossians 2:13-17 (MSG)

The truth of the matter is that only the truth will get you across the finish line.

You can tell yourself as many nice sayings, and read all the books on winning you want,
but in the end, only truth will get you home…..
John 8:32 (NLT) And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Nice saying and many quote it, but we must look at things in context. The verse before it V31 says “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings.”
IF you remain faithful to my teachings. You will KNOW

No one has perfectly adhered to the teachings of Christ, In fact no one can. It’s even hopeless to think that we can “perfectly” adhere to them.
Because of our inability to do this for ourselves Jesus died, so he could drag your stinking, sin-sick carcass’ across the finish line. Then He says you are more than a conqueror Romans 8:37. A conqueror wins the race through his endurance, training and skill. But, we are more than conquerors even though full of doubts, questions and failings often we can reach out, grab this truth and make it ours.

We will win the game of life if we are persuaded that He is able through His actions and grace alone to make us winners here and now. 2 Timothy 1:12

It’s not some grit your teeth, keep your chin down punch it out life that He intended. But to stand and keep standing, head held high in uncompromising faith in the Champion of our faith and His victory.
not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. Col 1:11 (MSG)

….that old arrest warrant canceled and nailed to Christ's Cross. 15 He stripped all the spiritual tyrants in the universe of their sham authority at the Cross Colossians 2:14,15

That old arrest warrant was all the rules, regulations, laws and religious expectations that we could never live up to. Nailed to the cross, cancelled. You shall know the truth and it will make you free! The sham authority the devil uses very effectively to keep God’s saints down and ineffective. He can’t steal your salvation, but if satan can keep you down and ineffective he has been very effective. He has made you sterile, impotent and incapable of reproducing if you won’t wear the Crown of Life that has already been won and is being handed to you for the taking.

With our focus on our failures, foibles and fits, our focus is now off Christ and the Cross where it really belongs.

But, if we could take our focus and place it on Jesus Hebrews 12:2 and grasp this truth, we could stop living in defeat and win this game of life that so many seem to be losing. Everyone dreams of being a winner. Jesus makes the dream come alive.

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