
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Wrestling for Control

I first heard the saying, “Let go and let God,” in an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.

That saying strikes a chord within each of us because of a trait/problem universal to each of our lives, and not just alcoholics. As human beings we have the hardest time letting God be who He is and do what he wants.

Given half a chance to think about it, our heads surely must bob up and down in agreement, like a parrot performing for a treat. 

Moses stood at the head of 1.5 million people he was leading out of slavery; he came to an impassable river with an enemy army in hot pursuit and God told him to stand still and see what God would do. Yeah right was probably Moses first thought.

Would we all agree that the lot of our predicaments, troubles and issues lie partially or at most wholly rooted in our struggle with God for dominance and control. Believe Him or not. We need to let go and let God, or let God be God.

Regardless of what we choose to believe, God is God, for how could we finite(though eternal) beings influence who or what He is? There are a million, no make that near limitless different forms that humans choose to make of God or god and each of us believe that our way is THE WAY to see God and everyone else is mistaken. Ludicrous. No matter who you are.

Who is it that gets the final say on who God is? God. 

So how can we mere mortals put the brakes on our fight for supremacy? God knows, he has been unable to stop us.

It comes down to choice.

We can choose to refuse bitterness when life turns south on us.

We can choose NOT to reject those that refuse to play to the role we have mentally or emotional cast them in. Three cheers here for husbands, wives and parents. The bible calls husbands to love their wives, wives to honor their husbands and all of us to honor our parents good or bad.

By trying to force our spouse, parent or friend to conform to our ideal—or else—puts us in the role of a god or at least telling God his business. Whether you believe the bible or not doesn’t change who God is one wit.

Has life dealt you a bitter hand? Would you sour it even further by raging against the God who made you.

Let’s give God the same freedom we desire for ourselves and allow him to function as the Supreme Being that he is. You and I both know life would taste sweeter and the load grow lighter if we did.


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