
Saturday, October 23, 2010

God is the biggest and also the smallest something in the universe.

Is Holiness felt or does it reveal itself in a still, barely perceptible and most minute voice? God is the biggest and also the smallest something in the universe. God is the Master, Ruler, Maker and upholder of all that we see and even what we cannot see Hebrews 1:3. God made the mountains and He made the atoms that make up the grain of sand in the mountain. Is it harder for God to make a mountain than a grain of sand? Or does it take Him more time, wait, God made time for us? Does He have to stir Himself up to make a mountain and only blink to make a grain of sand?
            Something inside of us already seems to have the knowledge that these are ridiculous questions, if you have a brain and are living and breathing your God given reason tells you that it must be the same for God, as long as he is God. Thus, God must be the biggest and also the smallest something in the universe. Scientists are continually reaching to smaller and smaller particles of matter, splitting the atom and reaching into it’s core, but God is already there. Astronomers are continually reaching out farther than they ever have. What will they find when they get all the way out? Is there an all the way out? But God is already there.
            But God, is a whole ‘nother subject that I will only touch on here. Take all the problems and questions in the universe, all it’s mysteries and attach “but God” Ephesians 2:4 at the beginning end or middle and it gets either smaller or larger, it cannot stay the same, unchanged or as mysterious for long with those words (I feel another blog post squeezing it’s way out).
            Thus, as we pursue the Holy One See primer in earlier blog posts we find Him in the large issues, events and problems of our life and also the minutest, most insignificant details. Are the most monumental
concerns and problems of our life more important than the minute? Just as the grains of sand Jeremiah 5:22 and hairs on our head are numbered Matthew 10:30, so to, the big and the small issues and events of our life.
            If you follow me on this, perhaps each is as important and in another light inconsequential.
Is it our external problems or our soul, our living breathing, acting out, worrying, sinning soul that God is more concerned with? Each are alike to Him. Hence, when we get bent out of shape at His seeming inaction are we not focusing on the large and ignoring the small? When everything is going just ducky, is he working on the minute or the large? Does it mean that God is better, more powerful, more inherently good and active in our lives, when our large problems seem small?
            It seems that the moment I become satisfied or conscious of the change God has wrought in me that he evaporates and a new struggle for the infinitesimally small begins. Troubles begin to plague me, until my attention is once again on Him and not my small, wormy Psalm 22:6, little world.
            The minute I “feel” more “holy” it seems the trouble begins. The minute I “feel” my problems are too big or too small I have cut God out of the equation. God feels, he made feelings, Jesus had feelings and sorrows and grief Isaiah 53:3. He cares about our problems big and small Matthew 6:26.
Am I to stop feeling to be holy as He is holy 1 Peter 1:15 , and put on some Halloween mask of pasted on smile? Did He? That may be the most unholy thing we can do.
            Holiness may be to be with Him in the small as well as the BIG. To be affected but maintain not only our composure but our sanity and our search for the High and Lofty ONE Isaiah 57:15.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Holy begins to shine clear and brilliant when it is stacked up against.....

Holy begins to shine clear and brilliant when it is stacked up against what is not. As I sought out what HOLY is and sought it for my life I knew it was what God was. Paul said to be imitators of God, and try as I might I could not be anything close to His character and grace. Camping with my daughters and grandkids this came screaming at me like a bug on the windshield. My 11 year old granddaughter was acting like eleven year olds act and I was more concerned with my comfort than her peace of mind. I knew this wasn’t holy. Try as I might I could not change this, I could decide to, I could even take a run at it but in the end I was the bug on the windshield. I love my granddaughter and I want to care about her more than my comfort.
            I believe this grief beginning to take hold of me over this issue was in fact the Holy One responding to my cries to know holiness. A. W. Tozer said it well. “God is holy with an absolute holiness that knows no degrees and this He cannot impart to His creatures. But there is a relative and contingent holiness which He shares with angels and seraphim in heaven and with redeemed men on earth. This holiness God can and does impart to His children. He has made it available by the blood of the Lamb.” I ecstatically rejoice that God sees me as perfect  in Jesus Christ.
            If we are going to seriously get involved with God, we need to be careful what we ask for. He takes us at our word, so we would be well not to speak recklessly. At the beginning of the year I told God I would be willing to be anything that He wanted me to be. I would change anything about me that He wanted to change. This may seem easy to you, but I kind of like me and didn’t want to lose me. I had now become willing to lose me in Him. For the sake of going farther into Him than ever. I think this is holy.
            I can’t make myself more holy, I can only strive towards “hating sin and loving righteousness”.
As this becomes my desire He begins to peel the layers back on my life so He can get to the core.
This is what God wants, me as me, not me buried in the muck and the mire of compromise and lethargic pursuit of some bland, boring, colorless, flavorless, inane, lifeless, limp, milquetoast, stale, tasteless, weak, wishy-washy kind of so-called holiness. No man can say “I am holy”, but neither can the words “Be Ye Holy; for I Am Holy” be ignored.
            Hating sin and loving righteousness is not pointed outward, it is pointed inward. One of the things that God has laid bare in me is that conversations with my fellow human beings seem to all be slightly stained with some inward desire to look good or to put the blame for anything on something else besides ME. The moment I need to explain my decision or action I have just violated Jesus saying “let your yes be yes and your no be no”. Justifying ourselves is something we take for granted and have learned to live with and think it a natural thing. In fact, you may be thinking I am crazy, critical or kooky for even bringing this up, but if we would strive to “be holy in all our conduct”. We must begin to consider these things. Immorality, drugs and drink are called the big sins. I think they are just symptoms of much deeper sins that we have painted and dressed up to look acceptable.