Thursday, January 27, 2011
The Good King
is all we ask.
To rule o’er us,
carry the banner,
and take the heat.
Protect us in trial,
not knowing defeat.
Give us today our daily bread.
look now alas,
WE have us OUR king,
Look in the mirror,
beholding your king!
Who does not serve,
and of trifling power.
Injustice and weakness,
How quickly his feet,
run to do evil.
Crack the mirror!
Break the glass!
Kill the king!
Seek His justice!
Cry for mercy!
Is Christ now your KING?
Monday, January 17, 2011
I realized recently that I can be very motivated by pain, but absent the pain, my discipline can often go by the wayside.
Recently I suffered through a head and chest cold, not as severe as some people I know were going through, but sick nonetheless. The day my symptoms started I was driving back from a glorious visit to the promised land of Sherman Oaks and Orange County. In Sherman Oaks live my wife's son and his beautiful two-year-old daughter "Faith" who we stayed with while we were there, and in "The OC" another daughter and the church we were from before we came to Sacramento.
Cute little Faith was recovering from a cold, but apparently not recovered enough not to pass it on to me. Germs are funny creatures silently working at our wellbeing, and stealthily entering in to invade our peace, comfort and safety. As I was driving back to Sacramento from a beautiful trip, the symptoms began to manifest. You know the feeling, the little scratch in the back of your throat and that tightening feeling behind your eyes, and perhaps just a little irritability. Well, being the wimp that I am for colds, I made a stop at Rite-Aid for the Zicam, a supposed cold preventer. It's amazing what we will pay for a chance to be rid of discomfort.
I bought the generic Zicam and some herbal throat drops, not worrying about spraying some chemical all over the inside of my mouth if it will keep the cold and flu wolf at bay. But, I better get the all-natural throat drops lest I suck on some kind of chemical and grow a green horn out the top of my head when I'm 60. Funny and even sicker is the inconvenience we will go through so we can feel better. We will often compromise our principles and give away the farm if we would just feel better. This same thinking is what keeps drug addicts addicted and alcoholics drinking, I know, I was both.
After a few days of "religiously" applying the Zicam to the insides of my mouth every four hours, and sucking down a bag of "herbal" throat drops, and again, religiously taking my Mucinex every four hours, I began to get better. Amazingly, as I was getting better, my "religious" Zicaming, throat dropping and Mucinex taking severely dropped off. The thought came to me when I realized this morning that I had not dosed myself in at least the last 18 hours. Who needs medicine when you're getting well?
You are either laughing at me, and or questioning my severe lack of character and intestinal fortitude at this point, or you are nodding your head in agreement. It wouldn't be so funny if it wasn't so true. It goes way past colds, flus and broken legs. It goes also for problems on our jobs, in our marriages and with our finances, proving the truth that we are broken people inside, sinful and depraved, beyond helping ourselves out of the mess we are in.
If we have trouble on our job, get written up say, we straighten up, hurry up or whatever else was the right thing to do in the first place. If we have trouble with our marriage and our wife is becoming increasingly hostile, we start bringing flowers, asking her to dinner and shaving more often. If we suddenly realize we are in a mountain of debt with no way out, we start cutting up credit cards and eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and beans. And the minute the boss tells us what a good job we are doing, the wife starts loving us again and we start climbing out of debt, "you know what" happens.
Same is true for spiritual things, and if we think about it, are not all things spiritual, including jobs, marriages and finances? We get in trouble whether internal or external and back to church we go, into our bibles we start looking and our prayer lives get a big shot in the arm.
Perhaps this is exactly why the God who loves us more than we can imagine, more than even life and comfort itself, allows these things to plague our life.
Keep Jesus close through worship, prayer and study of the word, and stay in touch with your friends in the Lord that can help hold you up. If we let these things down we are sure to get a "cold or flu" that will drive us to the medicine.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
The Preacher
The Preacher stood and proclaimed God’s Word,
On lonely street corner where none else would.
God’s fire thundered and echoed ‘pon walls.
But upon no deaf ear, the Word e‘er falls.
The hearers are varied, some cold and some hot,
As the Preacher thundered, “Don’t let your soul rot!”
His bible held high and Words surely aimed,
His blood coursing hot and passion proclaimed.
“None can be saved without Jesus named “
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Hopes and Prayers
Can't outrun from heaven's guns.
The Spirit prays and heaven knows,
What's inside our deepest woes.
High hopes and prayers for many things,
All fly away on fragile wings.
But He who searches all the land,
Catches these in His right hand.
The hand that spread the universe,
Opened up and took the nail adverse.
Hopes and prayers nailed to the tree,
Knowing all would safely be.
Monday, January 10, 2011
We humans are capable of great discoveries, feats, inventions and acts of nobility. But, if we could look into the future and see any of those things ahead of time, we would probably try and help them along, or we would run and hide in fear. If we knew God's plans for our lives ahead of time we would probably screw them up before we got there. I am a preacher today, and if I knew 30 years ago God's plan, I would have ran and hid as sure as Adam in the garden and Saul in the baggage. I would have done everything in my power to make it not happen and probably ended up with something akin to Frankenstein's monster. I would have been insanely mad, dead or locked up. But today I am in my right mind, happy and at peace with God's future plans for my life, some are yet to come and some are in the past.
So, I am glad we don't know God's plans. We should be encouraged that God does have a plan, and it's good Jer 29:11. How many of the great events of history would never have happened if the actors knew ahead of time what was going to take place? And, if they did know, would they have turned out so well?
1965 in America, Martin Luther King, Jr. begins a drive to register black voters, the New York Jets signed Joe Namath, Lyndon Johnson made his "Great Society" State of the Union Address, the "Beatles' '65" album goes #1 and stays #1 for 9 weeks, the Rock group Who releases 1st album "I Can't Explain", the Beatles appear on Shindig (ABC-TV), the Who make their 1st appearance on British TV, Martin Luther King, Jr. and 700 demonstrators arrested in Selma, Alabama, Peggy Fleming, 16, wins ladies senior figure skating title, Martin Luther King, Jr. begins march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, Martin Luther King, Jr. leads 25,000 to state capitol in Montgomery, Alabama, the Beatles "Ticket to Ride" is released in U.K., Willie Mays 512th home run breaks Mel Ott's 511th NL record, May 5 1st large-scale U.S. Army ground units arrive in South Vietnam, and the Byrd's song Turn Turn Turn becomes an international hit in late 1965, (the lyrics directly from the bible in Ecclesiastes 3:2). The words probably every person in America for at least the next thirty years would recognize in a heartbeat.
To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)
There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)
And a time to every purpose, under Heaven
Quite a significant year in the history of America, and we should take heart that our story is not done yet. We should stay our course and give God the reins, and everything will turn out according to the Master's plan. It will not be problem free, and it may not turn out how we want, but it will be beautiful, as God says….further on in that chapter….
He hath made everything beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
Hebrews 11 speaks of Abraham centuries ago and says that "he went out, not knowing where he was going" and in the end here we are a product of his faith.
I am glad today I don't know exactly what God is doing. My prayer is that I willingly follow along.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
If I Bow
Thursday, January 6, 2011
God's Poem
For means "because", this is the reason the previous thought happened, so looking backwards at what was just said in the second most famous scripture in all Christendom.
(Ephesians 2:8) For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
I love this verse so much because it says that even though I am screwed up and have a myriad of issues and problems, I have God's undeserved blessing and favor, and that is the biggest understatement that was ever made in all of history. It had nothing to do with my strength, smarts or good looks.
If anyone wills to do His will...If we will give ourselves to this process and yield in His Hand, we will not have to continually fight against the process of being broken and remade. We will not be relieved completely of the process of being broken and remade this side of heaven.
We do not have to work out a plan for our lives, but only accept the plan which He has drawn up for us. This delivers us from fret and frenzy, and insures that our lives will be of maximum glory to Him, of most blessing to others, and of greatest reward to ourselves.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Today Is The Day
I wake up some mornings and today looks like crap, my attitude sucks and I don't feel good. No matter how good or bad yesterday was, God has removed it. As Chad and Jeremy sang "yesterday's gone". That's a very nice platitude to tell myself as I look at my ragged face in the mirror, but that alone won't cut it. I need to know about today, I need hope for today.